Saturday, August 2, 2008


I have been thinking about the area of trust lately. Sometimes I feel like I am trusting God but when I analyze the situation I realize I basically knew how things would turn out. That is most likely not trust at all. To me trust is when you have absolutely no idea how something will turn out and you go for it anyway. I am a person that likes to have at least a backup plan. I am struggling with trust in the following areas: Larry and I's health as we grow older, going to Cambodia, wondering how much longer I can work at my job, wondering what we will do when we leave Meriden, what if we can't continue to work and how is Dave going to go to seminary and keep his family alive and well. I have no control over these things, no insurance plan. I must trust God.

The biggest experience I can remember in trusting is when we moved to Meriden. That was a great time because we saw God up close and personable. Looking at it that way, these latter years of life should be among our best. I am asking God to help me trust and then obey.

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