Monday, October 6, 2008


Yesterday, Sunday, for some reason I felt fear at the thought of growing old. Maybe it was because I heard some older people talking about their concerns and at times old age whatever that is seems just around the corner. I think I am afraid some of being alone. I know I will never really be alone because of Jesus with me but I also hope I have some people with skin on them near me. I am sooooo thankful that Dad and I still share our days together. I also desire to be a Godly older woman so that I will be pleasant to be around. That I need to start practicing right now. Fortunately the fear only shows itself for a brief time and I give it to the Lord who so graciously bears all our burdens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I won't leave you alone mom! I'll be the person with skin on it near you. =) And please don't turn into a grumpy old lady who hates everything.