Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I have renewed my committment to read the scriptures each morning and I have been enjoying doing so. My kitty always reads with me. Here she is studing a verse of scripture. :) Something new Larry and I have started is to rise together each morning at 5 and read. Starting then I not only get my Bible reading done, but I also get some reading in another book done. It is much easier to get up when we do it together. We also are doing good on a commitment to go to bed at 9:30.


sarah said...

Eric and I have been doing the same! Only we have been trying to do 5:30 and then I make breakfast while he gets ready. It's so much easier to do together!

Anonymous said...

I think we need to join you! How encouraging and challenging to hear that you are both doing that! Way to go Sarah and mom!