Saturday, February 28, 2009

Shrove Tuesday

The pastors of Cherokee put their heads together and came up with a new idea. It was played out on a beautiful February day and drew a crowd of about 300. Dad was the judge of the flip. He had to decide which lady flipped her pancake the best at the end of the race. After the race we all gathered for a time of worship, awards, and a pancake supper. Ladies in the race had to be dressed in a dress and an apron, they had to carry a frying pan with a pancake in it. They had to flip the pancake at the end of the race in order to complete it. It was a fun time.
Following is the History of The Pancake Race.

The Pancake Race has its orgins in Olney, England, with the story of a house wife who, upon hearing the church bells announcing the start of the Shrove Tuesday service, dashed off to the church still clutching her frying pan and its pancake. Traddition claims that the race was first run on Shrove Tuesday, 1445, accompaniedby festive celebrations. The race has continued through the centuries, and in 1950 became an international event, when the town of Liberal, Kansas added the race to its Shrove Tuesday observances.

This event ushered in the Lenton season.


Anonymous said...

Was this dad's idea? Sounds like a fun time and a good turnout. Hope you are well. I'll call tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Sounds fun! Where are the pictures?!

Anonymous said...

Ok I am not so smart...I found the pictures. heehee!