Thursday, January 12, 2012


Just a few weeks ago I was anticipating Christmas and the arrival home of all of our children. There was so much joy in the anticipation. I baked and cooked, filling our freezer. I fixed up a basket of necessary things for the bathroom. I turned the basement into a playroom. I decorated and moved furniture around. I thought about all the smiling faces and the discussions and the cute children. I bought and wrapped presents. Yes, I cleaned. Every day had purpose and it was a joy. It was also an encouragement. It gave a focus for my energy. It filled me with hope. Soon I would be surrounded by them all, the ones I love so deeply. And it was indeed a joyous time and all my preparations defiantly paid rich dividends.

As Christians we live in ANTICIPATION of Christ's return. There is joy in the anticipation. There is service in the anticipation. I am preparing to meet him. I am studying his word with renewed interest, I am praying and drawing near to Christ doing my best to know him better, I am ministering in his name doing my best to bring glory to his name. I am falling in love with him more and more each day. Every day has purpose and and joy. The fact of his return is an encouragement to me among the trials of this life. I have a focus for my energy and I have HOPE. Soon I will be surrounded with Christ followers from all the ages and from all the regions of the world. What a glorious day that will be. I also have a feeling that I will be thankfull for all my preparations.

Even so come Lord Jesus!

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