Monday, April 14, 2008

Birthday celebration

Sunday, April 13 was Jonathan's birthday. Larry and I jumped into the car and headed it to Waterloo, Iowa. Of course we first stopped at the Golden Arches which we always enjoy. The trip went good. I feel road trips are peaceful and wonderful couple time. We most always have good conversation. Usually we talk about our lives, our children, our church and maybe discuss some spiritual issue. This time was no exception. I most always make one or two phone calls. This trip I talked to Matt and Anita. I can put the phone on speaker and we can both enjoy the call.
Jonathan's birthday was a wonderful celebration of his life so far. Chaun and Becky's family and friends gathered at Chaun's brother's house for food, fun and fellowship. Becky had even planned games! Jonathan was a little overwhelemed with all the attention, but was soooo cute. A special treat was that great aunt Donna was in town. She and LeRoy and Megan got in on the party and we got to catch up a little.

After we got back to the house Jonathan relaxed a little more and delighted us all with his sunny personality.


Chaun said...

Thanks so much for coming! It meant a lot to me to have you there for Jonathan's first birthday! We love you both! Becky

sarah said...

Very cute pictures. I do think the hat completes the birthday!